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where do you think you’re going
你想你要去何方  detail>>
do you know where you’re going
你知道你将去哪  detail>>
do you knows where you are going to
你知道你要去哪吗  detail>>
where do you think i should go
你看我该去哪儿  detail>>
do you know where youre going to
明了自己的方向吗  detail>>
hey where are you going
喂你去哪儿  detail>>
where are you going
你到哪里去 你去哪儿 你去哪里 你去那里 你上哪儿去 你要去哪里  detail>>
where are you going please
请问您要去哪里  detail>>
who do you think you are
你算老几 你算哪根葱 你以为你是谁  detail>>
do you know where you are
身处何方  detail>>
but i think you do
但我想你是  detail>>
do as you think proper
你认为怎么妥当就怎么办  detail>>
do you think it will rain
你认为天会下雨吗 你想会下雨吗  detail>>
do you think so
你这样认为吗  detail>>
how do you think
你怎么想  detail>>
what do you think
你认为呢 你认为怎样 你怎么认为  detail>>
what do you think of it
你觉得怎么样 你看咋样 你认为怎样 您怎么认为  detail>>
what are you going to do
你干吗  detail>>